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Startiew: a review tool for startups
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Eurogalan One Page Site
All you need for business in one page

QP24.ru: E-commerce Website
Online shop with 3,5k products in the database

QP24.ru: интернет-магазин
Интернет-магазин инженерного оборудования, более 3500 товаров в базе

VIPTRACE: медиа библиотека
Следи за творчеством любимых артистов любых жанров - музыкантов, актеров, писателей и режиссеров.

Startiew: обзоры стартапов
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Eurogalan: одностраничный сайт
На одной странице - все, что нужно для бизнеса
We serve customers from all over the world, therefore we are always on the edge of new technologies.
We are soft&hardware developers, desigerns, server administrators, testers and marketing specialists. We have been working together for more than 15 years and we know how to meet deadlines and create successful projects.
Successful projects
Days of Field Experience
Satisfied Customers
Web Development
Fully responsive website design and development
MS Windows Applications
Microsoft full stack for front- and backend development
Turnkey development of online shops
Hardware Appliances
Full cycle engineering design and product development
SMM Services
Social media marketing and consulting services
SEO Optimization
Online promotion services for faster sales grwoth